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Perlbal Reproxy with Remote Host

why would perlbal s reproxying give me a 503 for any remote url?

X-REPROXY-URL: /path/to/a/local/file.jpg = working
X-REPROXy-URL: http://a-public-file-in-an-s3-bucket.jpg = HTTP 503

my perlbal conf looks like:

CREATE POOL test_pool
    POOL test_pool ADD
    POOL test_pool ADD

    SET listen          =
    SET role            = reverse_proxy
    SET pool            = test_pool
    SET persist_client  = on
    SET persist_backend = on
    SET verify_backend  = on
    SET enable_reproxy  = true

ENABLE balancer

and i know im setting the header properly, because, as i said, it works for local files and urls.


looks like perlbal doesn t deal well with urls like "bucket-name.s3.amazonaws.com". changing the url to "s3.amazonaws.com/bucket-name/" works.



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