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Defining Model Relations for ACL Interface (gui) with CakePHP

I have set up Auth and ACL successfully on my cakePHP app.

How, now i want to build an interface for managing the ACL s, ARO s and ACO s

ARO s and ACO s where pretty easy to build using the tree behavior. ACL how ever got me a little messed up... especially when it came to defining the model relations.

I ve named my aco and aro models Myaco and Myaro respectivly, since Aco and Aro are already taking by the AclComponent., my ACL model is Myacl.

Myaco is a "standalone" object, it isn t related to any other model. Myaro "belongsTo" Customer model (which is my "user" model) and defined as so:

//Myaro model
var $belongsTo = array( Customer => array(
                                         foreignKey     =>  foreign_key 

Now the Myacl model as i understand it, is a $hasAndBelongsToMany -> Myaco and Myaro since its a table that joins two other models; as such i ve set it up like this:

class Myacl extends AppModel {
    var $useTable =  aros_acos ;
    var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
         Myaro  => array(
                         foreignKey  =>  aro_id ,
                         associationForeignKey  =>  id ,
                         joinTable  =>  aros_acos 
         Myaco  => array(
                         foreignKey  =>  aco_id ,
                         associationForeignKey  =>  id ,
                         joinTable  =>  aros_acos 

Now to build the main "interface" for the ACL, i wanted to "find( all )" ACL records, and have the linked (recursed) up to the Customer level - so that i could display the groups and the actual customers from the aro table; so i set the recursive parameter to "2" for the Myacl model

Though judging by the SQL queries of the debug pane - the relation isn t correct at all.. Was i totally wrong in how i set the relations?

Here is are the basic SQL queries from the find( all ) call:

from this code (in the Myacl controller):

$this->Myacl->recursive = 2;
$allRules = $this->Myacl->findAll();

the queries are:

1   DESCRIBE `aros`     7   7   13
2   DESCRIBE `acos`     7   7   1
3   DESCRIBE `aros_acos`        3   3   1
4   DESCRIBE `customers`        9   9   2
5   SELECT `Myacl`.`id`, `Myacl`.`aro_id`, `Myacl`.`aco_id` FROM `aros_acos` AS `Myacl` WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY `Myacl`.`id` ASC       9   9   0
6   SELECT `Myaro`.`id`, `Myaro`.`parent_id`, `Myaro`.`model`, `Myaro`.`foreign_key`, `Myaro`.`alias`, `Myaro`.`lft`, `Myaro`.`rght`, `ArosAco`.`id`, `ArosAco`.`aro_id`, `ArosAco`.`aco_id` FROM `aros` AS `Myaro` JOIN `aros_acos` AS `ArosAco` ON (`ArosAco`.`aro_id` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) AND `ArosAco`.`id` = `Myaro`.`id`) WHERE 1 = 1      9   9   0
7   SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 1        1   1   0
8   SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 2        1   1   0
9   SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 4        1   1   0
10  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 1        1   1   0
11  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 2        1   1   0
12  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 4        1   1   0
13  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 1        1   1   0
14  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 2        1   1   0
15  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 4        1   1   0
16  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 1        1   1   0
17  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 2        1   1   0
18  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 4        1   1   0
19  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 1        1   1   0
20  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 2        1   1   0
21  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 4        1   1   0
22  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 1        1   1   0
23  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 2        1   1   0
24  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 4        1   1   0
25  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 1        1   1   0
26  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 2        1   1   0
27  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 4        1   1   0
28  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 1        1   1   0
29  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 2        1   1   0
30  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 4        1   1   0
31  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 1        1   1   0
32  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 2        1   1   0
33  SELECT `Customer`.`id`, `Customer`.`username`, `Customer`.`email`, `Customer`.`password`, `Customer`.`company_name`, `Customer`.`contact_person`, `Customer`.`contact_email`, `Customer`.`contact_phone`, `Customer`.`disabled` FROM `customers` AS `Customer` WHERE `Customer`.`id` = 4        1   1   0
34  SELECT `Myaco`.`id`, `Myaco`.`parent_id`, `Myaco`.`model`, `Myaco`.`foreign_key`, `Myaco`.`alias`, `Myaco`.`lft`, `Myaco`.`rght`, `ArosAco`.`id`, `ArosAco`.`aro_id`, `ArosAco`.`aco_id` FROM `acos` AS `Myaco` JOIN `aros_acos` AS `ArosAco` ON (`ArosAco`.`aco_id` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) AND `ArosAco`.`id` = `Myaco`.`id`) WHERE 1 = 1

You can see from the amount of "Customer" queries, and from the joins - that something is seriously "off" with the model relations..

Any advice or leads are greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ken.


I m just starting with ACL, but I think you got it wrong in the acl relationships. aro hasAndBelongsToMany aco, that make acl the stub between them. So, if you are making a model of acl, it should have a belongsTo aro and belongsTo aco. Aro and aco should have a hasMany acl. Hope it helps ;D



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