English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to remove both html tags & content,values inside the tags using regular expressions
  • 时间:2009-12-14 06:41:30
  •  标签:
  • regex

• 如何删除“html”的标签;



www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 但是,大家知道,你正在为整个世界打开“灵丹”号。

Parsing Html The Cthulhu Way




Uncommon regular expressions [closed]

Recently I discovered two amazing regular expression features: ?: and ?!. I was curious of other neat regex features. So maybe you would like to share some tricky regular expressions.

regex to trap img tag, both versions

I need to remove image tags from text, so both versions of the tag: <img src="" ... ></img> <img src="" ... />

C++, Boost regex, replace value function of matched value?

Specifically, I have an array of strings called val, and want to replace all instances of "%{n}%" in the input with val[n]. More generally, I want the replace value to be a function of the match ...

PowerShell -match operator and multiple groups

I have the following log entry that I am processing in PowerShell I m trying to extract all the activity names and durations using the -match operator but I am only getting one match group back. I m ...

Is it possible to negate a regular expression search?

I m building a lexical analysis engine in c#. For the most part it is done and works quite well. One of the features of my lexer is that it allows any user to input their own regular expressions. This ...

regex for four-digit numbers (or "default")

I need a regex for four-digit numbers separated by comma ("default" can also be a value). Examples: 6755 3452,8767,9865,8766,3454 7678,9876 1234,9867,6876,9865 default Note: "default" ...
