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ASP. NET MVC: 调动所有控制人员
原标题:ASP.NET MVC: Get all controllers

Is it possible to get all controllers available to a ControllerFactory?
What I want to do is get a list of all controller types in application, but in a consistent way.





The best reference is asp.net mvc source code. Take a look of the implementations of ControllerTypeCache and ActionMethodSelector class. ControllerTypeCache shows how to get all controller classes available.

       internal static bool IsControllerType(Type t) {
                t != null &&
                t.IsPublic &&
                t.Name.EndsWith("Controller", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                !t.IsAbstract &&

 public void EnsureInitialized(IBuildManager buildManager) {
            if (_cache == null) {
                lock (_lockObj) {
                    if (_cache == null) {
                        List<Type> controllerTypes = GetAllControllerTypes(buildManager);
                        var groupedByName = controllerTypes.GroupBy(
                            t => t.Name.Substring(0, t.Name.Length - "Controller".Length),
                        _cache = groupedByName.ToDictionary(
                            g => g.Key,
                            g => g.ToLookup(t => t.Namespace ?? String.Empty, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase),


private static List<MethodInfo> RunSelectionFilters(ControllerContext controllerContext, List<MethodInfo> methodInfos) {
            // remove all methods which are opting out of this request
            // to opt out, at least one attribute defined on the method must return false

            List<MethodInfo> matchesWithSelectionAttributes = new List<MethodInfo>();
            List<MethodInfo> matchesWithoutSelectionAttributes = new List<MethodInfo>();

            foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in methodInfos) {
                ActionMethodSelectorAttribute[] attrs = (ActionMethodSelectorAttribute[])methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ActionMethodSelectorAttribute), true /* inherit */);
                if (attrs.Length == 0) {
                else if (attrs.All(attr => attr.IsValidForRequest(controllerContext, methodInfo))) {

            // if a matching action method had a selection attribute, consider it more specific than a matching action method
            // without a selection attribute
            return (matchesWithSelectionAttributes.Count > 0) ? matchesWithSelectionAttributes : matchesWithoutSelectionAttributes;


例如,如果你完全按惯例实施国际会计惯例,所有公证人都可以使用 任何<>>>任何>机制,以设立主计长。

然而,DefaultController 工厂研究的是适当的 在“汇合”路线上界定的所有集会上,主计长的类型(在全球各行各)。



var controllerTypes = from t in asm.GetExportedTypes()
                      where typeof(IController).IsAssignableFrom(t)
                      select t;


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