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JConsole alternative [closed]

Not a real answer but maybe helpful. I just stepped over one of your last questions and think, these JConsole/JMX questions are still related to your work on a plugin for the hudson CI. The idea is to have a button on the Hudson UI to start a JConsole or any other managing application.

Thinking about that - Hudson has a web interface. Assume, you use hudson from a remote machine and press your JMX console button, I bet, the console is started on the server and not on the client and therefore inaccessible. So using an existing managing application (java application) limits you plugin to single-workstation uses of hudson. or you go the hard way and integrate not only the launch button but as well a web interface (based on JMX) that allows managing your servers directly from the hudson console.


If you are looking for a command line alternative Jmxterm would be a good option. It almost have all the features Jconsole supports but not the GUI.

Can get it downloaded from Download JMXTERM Here

Provided you are happy with running Sun-only classes, you can launch JConsole via

java com.sun.jconsole.JConsole

and hence directly from your application. Just call JConsole s static main() method.

Nagios with nagios-jmx-plugin

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