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failsafe for networked robot
  • 时间:2009-12-13 01:00:10
  •  标签:
  • php
  • robotics

I have a robot that I m controlling via a browser. A page with buttons to go forward, reverse, etc is written in PHP hosted on an onboard computer. The PHP is just sending ASCII characters over a serial connection to a microcontroller. Anyway, I need to implement a failsafe so that when the person driving it gets disconnected, the robot will stop. The only thing I can think to do is to ping the person on the web page or something, but I m sure there is a better way than that. The robot is connected either via an ad hoc network or a regular wireless network that is connected to the internet. Obviously if I go with the ping method then there will have to be a delay between the actual time disconnected and when it realizes it s been disconnected. I d like this delay to be a small as possible, whatever the method used. I d appreciate any ideas on how to do this.


May I suggest you use a simple flash object embedded in the web browser to open a socket connection to a server on the robot? The server can be written in any suitable language - even PHP (cough).

Then it is a simple matter to detect immediately when the connection goes down, and implement your fail-safe approach.

HTTP is not a ideal protocol for robot control.

Good luck!


Pinging a web client is somewhat unreliable, for you have to take into account, that the client ip might change.

On the other hand, you could emulate a "dead-man-button" via Ajax. Let the webpage send a defined command every now and then (maybe every 5 to 10 seconds). If the robot doesn t receive the message for some time, it can stop. The Ajax script could run in the background so the controlling user won t even notice anything.

This would of course mean, that your robot needs to have a counter which is incremented every second and reset when the message is received. The moment the timer variable is too high, FULL STOP

All I can think of is to include ajax code in your HTML that "pings" your server every X second. I believe that s what Facebook Chat does to know whether or not you are still online.

HTML 5 Web sockets might be the solution you are looking for but you have to consider that it won t be implemented by most of your users browsers.

You might find this article interesting: http://www.infoq.com/news/2008/12/websockets-vs-comet-ajax.

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