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[A-Z]{2,4} not limiting to between 2 & 4 characters
PCRE: /A[A-Z0-9_.%+-]+@(?:[A-Z0-9-]+.)+(?:[a-z]{2,4}|museum|travel)z/i 
POSIX: /^[A-Z0-9_.%+-]+@(?:[A-Z0-9-]+.)+(?:[A-Z]{2,4}|museum|travel)$/i

This regex is correct in every way for my needs except that it allows emails such as jim@f.com. It says these are a match. If I m not mistaken, doesn t the {2,4} after [A-Z] mean that it has to be between 2 and 4 characters? Could it be a problem with the altercation and museum and travel? I have verified that these are allowed through in my application, and a few regex testers. Also, I m fuzzy on whether I did do the PCRE and POSIX correctly. I fear they might both just be PCRE and I m being ridiculous. AFAIK, JavaScript is POSIX and Ruby is PCRE. So if I didn t get that right, lemme down easy, it has been a long, long night of learning regexes, in and out, and I m trying to look badass. :)


It does, but it s only applied to the top-level domain name (the "com" in your example).


POSIX does not support non-capturing groups (?:group) so neither of your regexes are POSIX. JavaScript does not use POSIX. JavaScript regular expressions are Perl-style but it doesn t have all the features. Check the regex flavor comparison on my site for details.

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