Hi I submitted my first application to the appStore http://itunes.apple.com/at/app/section-control/id343824642?mt=8
This displays "English" as Languages (Sprachen in German) in the "Overview". And that is correct in this case.
I think this comes from the fact that I don t have localized resources in my application. Which is question one: how is "Languages / Sprachen" detected by the appstore?
It has (of course) nothing to do with localized descriptions since I used english and german in this case.
TomTom http://itunes.apple.com/at/app/tomtom-westeuropa/id326075062?mt=8 for an example shows a lot of languages.
Anyhow - the main question. For my next application I plan a "community driven localization". The idea is something you find in a lot of application where you can download "language files".
Assume my app has a list of available languages. This comes from a web service and you (as user) can load down your preffered language (if available).
And since the thing is dynamic the following will happen - I publish the application in English and German (my native language). Later someone enters French texts - so from that moment on the app is also available in French.
I didn t find a way to set the "Languages / Sprachen" element in the apps short description (Overview) or do I have to "resubmit" my application to change this?
Last not least - if I am right and the languages are detected by contained resources in the application - is it enough to provide an empty (or just holding a single string) "strings file" with my application?