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原标题:Process, Tools, Management Techniques Required For Re-engineering A Java Software Project [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.

我是新团队的一部分,他们试图从遗产代码基(也在 Java撰写)中开发一个新的 Java软件系统,该基数转至核心。 出于公司的政治原因,我们可以 t笑旧的 Java,从新鲜开始。 改观等于承认,他们花了两年时间开发的制度是完整的。 这将导致在团队顶部(即发展管理员、项目经理、建筑师等)上进行滚动。 因此,一支非常强烈的自我保护意识在团队的顶部中扎根,这意味着任何在改弦更张的思想都被抛弃。

This has lead to ask the following question: What would you say are the key processes, tools and software development techniques, a team would need to implement in order to successfully re-engineer/refactor a very rotten legacy code base into a good stable system? This must surely be possible. Are there any good books/websites on the matter?

  • define a clear plan of what you re trying to achieve and where you re going
  • write tests for as much new and old code as you can to ensure you re preserving behaviour and creating a good test suite going forward
  • refactor small chunks at a time, it adds up eventually
  • work with discrete vertical slices of functionality if you can to prevent breaking changes cascading through the code
  • make sure you build regularly
  • use source control




Automated builds & deploy manager Unit tests Fitness tests



  1. Eclipse - it s refactoring capabilities are very powerful
  2. Patience
  3. Skills. It appears to me that almost every legacy system is bloated , rubbish , rotten or crap . While this is generally true, the non-legacy applications are the same, because the developers writing them are not skilled enough. So have in mind, that if you want to achieve something more than yet-another-rotten system, you have to be very careful with the team skills.

你也许最好把这一想法简单地视为一个新项目,而是以现有的法典为基础。 • 与有关各方合作,准确说明该制度的错误: 构造很差,设计不好,编码不好,不符合要求等(或以上所有)。 视需要修改碎片的构造和设计,并制定一项计划,对碎片进行再设计/重造,使之达到良好的工作秩序。


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