It belongs to the core features of graph databases to provide support for relationships between entities. Typically, you model your entities as nodes and the relationships as relationships/edges in the graph. Unlike RDBMS you don t have to define relationships in advance -- just add them to the graph as needed (schema-free). I created a domain modeling gallery giving a few examples of how this can look in practice. The examples use the Neo4j graphdb, a project I m involved in. The mailing list of this project use to prove very helpful for graph modeling questions.
The document-oriented database Riak has support for links between documents.
You can add support for relationships on top of any database engine (like key/value), but it doesn t come whithout work. It all comes down to your use case. If you provide more details it s easier to come up with a useful answer.
Oops, now I saw that the title says "nosql store" and then your actual question narrows this down to "nosql key value store". As key/value stores have no semantics for defining relationships between entities I ll still post my answer.