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如何区分由英特尔汇编者撰写的“LOOP WAS VECTORIZED”?
原标题:How to disable remark "LOOP WAS VECTORIZED" written by Intel compiler?

I want to disable remark "LOOP WAS VECTORIZED" written by Intel compiler. But I don t want to disable optimazation. What do I need to do?


页: 1 or,现在我没有安装<条码>c

   -vec_report[n] Control amount of vectorizer diagnostic information:

                  n=0 -- No diagnostic information

                  n=1 -- Indicate vectorized loops (DEFAULT)

                  n=2 -- Indicate vectorized/non-vectorized loops

                  n=3 -- Indicate vectorized/non-vectorized loops and pro-
                  hibiting data dependence information

                  n=4 -- Indicate non-vectorized loops

                  n=5  --  Indicate  non-vectorized  loops and prohibiting
                  data dependence information



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