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Blackberry simulator not creating COD file

This is an answer to anyone having problems getting a program to appear in the Blackberry simulator or problems generating a COD file.

I have been programming in JAVA using the Eclipse IDE and my program was working fine in the BB simulator. After creating a new package and adding more class files to my project, I noticed that my changes were not being reflected in the simulator. After countless hours trying to solve the problem (cleaning, running clean.bat, deleting cod files, creating a new workspace, etc. - nothing worked) I just discovered an answer on a forum that solved my problem:


I had 116 files in my project. I deleted two packages to get the number of classes under 100 and, voila, a new COD file was generated and my changes are reflected now in the Blackberry simulator. This is obviously a bug that RIM needs to address. I wasted days debugging this until I found a solution.

Hoping this helps someone with similar problems.


It s been a while from my Blackberry days, but there are two things you should check:

  • Check that you do not have a large class file. A single cod file is limited to 64K, so if a class file is more than 20-30K sometimes the compiler is not smart enough to organize the files in several code files.
  • Compile using ant build file, see here http://bb-ant-tools.sourceforge.net/docs

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