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Excel: need help with unusual lookup function (sorted column is different from lookup column)

I am having trouble constructing a unusual lookup formula in Excel.

Normally, I would use VLOOKUP(), but the pitfall is that I want to look up a number in a column from a table that is sorted on an other column. Vlookup can only lookup things on the sorted column itself.

The scenario is as follows:

  • The table is sorted ascending on column B.
  • For a given parameter P, I now want to find the first A value, starting from the top and going down, that is bigger than or equal to that parameter P.
  • The function should then return the corresponding B value.

Table(part off, the complete table is much bigger):

    A      B
1  640    4.5
2  1600   7.0
3  640    7.5
4  1280   12.0
5  1920   16.5
6  2560   21.0
7  1600   19.8
8  3200   26.8
9  4800   33.8

For example, say my parameter is 1100, then I want my formula to return 7.0, because the first entry when searching downwards in column A that is bigger than or equal to 1100 is 1600, which has a corresponding B value of 7.0

I ve tried my luck with Array Formula s (also known as "ctrl-shift-enter formula s") and constructed something like this:


with C1 containing my parameter, table the range A1:B9, and columnA the range B1:B9

But that doesn t work (in the example above, it returns 12.0 because 1280 is selected by the MIN() function) .

Solution I don t want to use: I could write some VBA could to go through the table, but I don t want to do that (because of annoying macro warnings , and because Excel on Mac doesn t support VBA anymore)

Anybody any clues?


You can use


Note that I am using English UK language settings - you will have to alter the formula to match your locale, replacing commas with semi-colons, etc.


If you didn t want an array formula you could try =OFFSET($C$5,MATCH($A$17,B5:B13),0) where C5 is the start of you B column, B5:B13 is you A column and A17 is you value to match against.

Ninja edit: Here is a version which works for the less-than or equal-to bit of your specification. =OFFSET($C$5,IF(ISNA(MATCH($A$17,B5:B13,0)), IF(ISNA(MATCH($A$17,B5:B13)),0,MATCH($A$17,B5:B13)), MIN(MATCH($A$17,B5:B13,0)-1,MATCH($A$17,B5:B13))),0)

Assuming the data table is in range A2:B10, with the value you re searching on in cell B1, the following seems to work:


I edited this to account for when the lookup value is smaller than any of the values in the list.

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