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Getting pixel data from UIImageView -- works on simulator, not device

Based on the responses to a previous question, I ve created a category on UIImageView for extracting pixel data. This works fine in the simulator, but not when deployed to the device. I should say not always -- the odd thing is that it does fetch the correct pixel colour if point.x == point.y; otherwise, it gives me pixel data for a pixel on the other side of that line, as if mirrored. (So a tap on a pixel in the lower-right corner of the image gives me the pixel data for a corresponding pixel in the upper-left, but tapping on a pixel in the lower-left corner returns the correct pixel colour). The touch coordinates (CGPoint) are correct.

What am I doing wrong?

Here s my code:

@interface UIImageView (PixelColor)
- (UIColor*)getRGBPixelColorAtPoint:(CGPoint)point;

@implementation UIImageView (PixelColor)

- (UIColor*)getRGBPixelColorAtPoint:(CGPoint)point
    UIColor* color = nil;

    CGImageRef cgImage = [self.image CGImage];
    size_t width = CGImageGetWidth(cgImage);
    size_t height = CGImageGetHeight(cgImage);
    NSUInteger x = (NSUInteger)floor(point.x);
    NSUInteger y = height - (NSUInteger)floor(point.y);

    if ((x < width) && (y < height))
        CGDataProviderRef provider = CGImageGetDataProvider(cgImage);
        CFDataRef bitmapData = CGDataProviderCopyData(provider);
        const UInt8* data = CFDataGetBytePtr(bitmapData);
        size_t offset = ((width * y) + x) * 4;
        UInt8 red = data[offset];
        UInt8 blue = data[offset+1];
        UInt8 green = data[offset+2];
        UInt8 alpha = data[offset+3];
        color = [UIColor colorWithRed:red/255.0f green:green/255.0f blue:blue/255.0f alpha:alpha/255.0f];

    return color;

I think R B G is wrong. You have:

UInt8 red =   data[offset];     
UInt8 blue =  data[offset+1];
UInt8 green = data[offset+2];

But don t you really mean R G B? :

UInt8 red =   data[offset];     
UInt8 green = data[offset+1];
UInt8 blue =  data[offset+2];

But even with that fixed there s still a problem as it turns out Apple byte swaps (great article) the R and B values when on the device, but not when on the simulator.

I had a similar simulator/device issue with a PNG s pixel buffer returned by CFDataGetBytePtr.

This resolved the issue for me:

        UInt8 red =   data[offset];
        UInt8 green = data[offset + 1];
        UInt8 blue =  data[offset + 2];
        //on device
        UInt8 blue =  data[offset];       //notice red and blue are swapped
        UInt8 green = data[offset + 1];
        UInt8 red =   data[offset + 2];

Not sure if this will fix your issue, but your misbehaving code looks close to what mine looked like before I fixed it.

One last thing: I believe the simulator will let you access your pixel buffer data[] even after CFRelease(bitmapData) is called. On the device this is not the case in my experience. Your code shouldn t be affected, but in case this helps someone else I thought I d mention it.


You could try the following alternative approach:

  • create a CGBitmapContext
  • draw the image into the context
  • call CGBitmapContextGetData on the context to get the underlying data
  • work out your offset into the raw data (based on how you created the bitmap context)
  • extract the value

This approach works for me on the simulator and device.

It looks like that in the code posted in the original questions instead of:

NSUInteger x = (NSUInteger)floor(point.x);
NSUInteger y = height - (NSUInteger)floor(point.y);

It should be:

NSUInteger x = (NSUInteger)floor(point.x);
NSUInteger y = (NSUInteger)floor(point.y);

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