This Reddit thread addresses your problem:
I have a set of rectangles, and need to determine whether a point is contained within any of them. What are some good data structures to do this, with fast lookup being important?
If your universe is integer, or if the level of precision is well known and is not too high, you can use abelsson s suggestion from the thread, using O(1) lookup using coloring:
As usual you can trade space for
time.. here is a O(1) lookup with very
low constant. init: Create a bitmap
large enough to envelop all rectangles
with sufficient precision, initialize
it to black. Color all pixels
containing any rectangle white. O(1)
lookup: is the point (x,y) white? If
so, a rectangle was hit.
I recommend you go to that post and fully read ModernRonin s answer which is the most accepted one. I pasted it here:
First, the micro problem. You have an
arbitrarily rotated rectangle, and a
point. Is the point inside the
There are many ways to do this. But
the best, I think, is using the 2d
vector cross product. First, make sure
the points of the rectangle are stored
in clockwise order. Then do the vector
cross product with 1) the vector
formed by the two points of the side
and 2) a vector from the first point
of the side to the test point. Check
the sign of the result - positive is
inside (to the right of) the side,
negative is outside. If it s inside
all four sides, it s inside the
rectangle. Or equivalently, if it s
outside any of the sides, it s outside
the rectangle. More explanation here.
This method will take 3 subtracts per
vector * times 2 vectors per side,
plus one cross product per side which
is three multiplies and two adds. 11
flops per side, 44 flops per
If you don t like the cross product,
then you could do something like:
figure out the inscribed and
circumscribed circles for each
rectangle, check if the point inside
the inscribed one. If so, it s in the
rectangle as well. If not, check if
it s outside the circumscribed
rectangle. If so, it s outside the
rectangle as well. If it falls between
the two circles, you re f****d and you
have to check it the hard way.
Finding if a point is inside a circle
in 2d takes two subtractions and two
squarings (= multiplies), and then you
compare distance squared to avoid
having to do a square root. That s 4
flops, times two circles is 8 flops -
but sometimes you still won t know.
Also this assumes that you don t pay
any CPU time to compute the
circumscribed or inscribed circles,
which may or may not be true depending
on how much pre-computation you re
willing to do on your rectangle set.
In any event, it s probably not a
great idea to test the point against
every rectangle, especially if you
have a hundred million of them.
Which brings us to the macro problem.
How to avoid testing the point against
every single rectangle in the set? In
2D, this is probably a quad-tree
problem. In 3d, what generic_handle
said - an octree. Off the top of my
head, I would probably implement it as
a B+ tree. It s tempting to use d = 5,
so that each node can have up to 4
children, since that maps so nicely
onto the quad-tree abstraction. But if
the set of rectangles is too big to
fit into main memory (not very likely
these days), then having nodes the
same size as disk blocks is probably
the way to go.
Watch out for annoying degenerate
cases, like some data set that has ten
thousand nearly identical rectangles
with centers at the same exact point.
Why is this problem important? It s
useful in computer graphics, to check
if a ray intersects a polygon. I.e.,
did that sniper rifle shot you just
made hit the person you were shooting
at? It s also used in real-time map
software, like say GPS units. GPS
tells you the coordinates you re at,
but the map software has to find where
that point is in a huge amount of map
data, and do it several times per
Again, credit to ModernRonin...