English 中文(简体)
检测出牛体大小。 flex/as3
原标题:detect the size of swf. flex/as3

我绘制了一份有切身利益的地图。 (POI) 当用户在POI上变相时,便装在屏幕上,并装上 s。 我目前有3个问题。 我的第4个问题是,这是定于21世纪的第21周结束的。 那么,将非常感激任何帮助。

  1. 我可以发现 s的大小,这样,我心脏的泡沫将体积到 s的大小。

  2. 当我篡改我的手法时,它就消失了。

  3. 我将热爱把我的手 file放在自己的一层,而不是放在我的主要手法的舞台上......但我没有这样做。


package com.modestmaps
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.text.TextField;

public class InfoBubble extends Sprite
public var textField:TextField;
public var background:Shape;
public var shadow:Shape;

public function InfoBubble(text:String)
//I name the instance of my POI marker on my map to the url link of my swf file. So whatever marker i click on the correct url will
this.name = urlLink;

this.mouseEnabled = true;
this.mouseChildren = false;

//this creates a shadow behind my infobubble
shadow = new Shape();
shadow.filters = [ new BlurFilter(16, 16) ];
shadow.transform.matrix = new Matrix(1, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 0, 0);

background = new Shape();

textField = new TextField();
textField.selectable = true;
textField.multiline = true;
textField.wordWrap = true;
//textField.text = urlLink;

textField.width = textField.textWidth+300;
textField.height = textField.textHeight+288;

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(urlLink);
var loader:Loader = new Loader();

//marker clips are positioned with (0,0) at the given location
//current measurements of swf file w432 h288
//if i could dynamically determine the size of the loaded swf file its position would be automatically calculated

loader.y = -288 - 37;
loader.x = -8;

//marker clips are positioned with (0,0) at the given location
textField.y = -textField.height - 35;
textField.x = -10;

//currently my rectangle s size is determined by the textField size. I don t even use the textfield. I want the rectangle to be drawn using the dimensions of the swf file instead.
var rect:Rectangle = textField.getRect(this);

// get your graph paper ready, here s a "speech bubble"

for each (var g:Graphics in [ background.graphics, shadow.graphics ] ) {
g.moveTo(rect.left, rect.top);
g.lineTo(rect.right, rect.top);
g.lineTo(rect.right, rect.bottom);
g.lineTo(rect.left+15, rect.bottom);
g.lineTo(rect.left+10, rect.bottom+15);
g.lineTo(rect.left+5, rect.bottom);
g.lineTo(rect.left, rect.bottom);
g.lineTo(rect.left, rect.top);

我希望,更熟练的法典家能够帮助我。 I m New to flex and as3

Edit: There is no javascript in this file. All of it is AS3. Edit2: This is the temporary site I am testing it on http://cjbutchershop.com/temp/adtypes/mapTest.swf



var width:int = Application.application.width;
var height:int = Application.application.height;

关于当你 h倒无益的泡沫时,案文消失的问题;你不妨重新考虑你的做法。 我没有装上外壳,而是针对适当的改变活动,在我的标识物体(如文字现场)上添加/移除儿童物体(如扩大仪式),从而对小地图进行了设计。

I am new to Flex myself, but i have done something similar while trying out an example while learning. Basically what i suggest is Open the bubble in a new popup window using the PopUpManager class on MouseOver event on the parent window (on your map). And show the popup in a TitleWindow Component,also tap the close event on Title window component.That way you will come back to the same page.Hope this helps.


< ? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ? >
< mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical">

        import mx.events.ListEvent;
        import mx.controls.Alert;
        import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
        import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

       public var photoFeed:ArrayCollection;

        public function searchFlickr():void {
            var params:Object = new Object();
                params.format =  rss_200_enc ;
                params.tags = srchTxtId.text;               

        public function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
            photoFeed = event.result.rss.channel.item as ArrayCollection;

        public function openPanel(levent:ListEvent):void {
            var panelCmpObj:panelcomp = new panelcomp();    
               panelCmpObj.source = levent.itemRenderer.data.content.url;           
        public function test():void {
            Alert.show( testtest );


<mx:HTTPService id="photoService" url="http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne" result="resultHandler(event)"/>

<mx:HBox width="362" height="24">
    <mx:TextInput id="srchTxtId"/>
    <mx:Button label="Search for pics" id="srchBtnId" click="searchFlickr()"/>
<mx:TileList id="imgTileList" dataProvider="{photoFeed}" width="100%" height="100%" itemClick="openPanel(event)">   
      <mx:VBox width="125" height="125"
            <mx:Image width="75" height="75" source="{data.thumbnail.url}"/>

< ? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ? >
< mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" showCloseButton="true" styleName="noPadding" creationComplete="init();" close="titleWindow_close(event);" >
< ![CDATA[ import mx.managers.IFocusManagerComponent; import mx.controls.Alert; import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject; import mx.events.CloseEvent; import mx.managers.PopUpManager;

        public var source:String;

        private function init():void {

        private function titleWindow_close(evt:CloseEvent):void {
            PopUpManager.removePopUp(evt.target as IFlexDisplayObject);
    ]] >
< /mx:Script>

< mx:Image width="379" height="261" id="imgId" source="{source}"/>
   <mx:ControlBar horizontalAlign="right" width="100%">
</ mx:ControlBar>

提炼; /mx:TitleWindow >

“你试图从胎儿泡沫中获取应用规模吗? 为什么在一个单独的 s子中,胎儿泡沫是怎样的? 如果你有不易碎的源码,我建议将其添加到你的地图应用中,并直接瞬息万变的物体。 • 2小时前

我有三种不同类型的胎儿泡沫(只显示静态泡沫)。 我的一些信片有移动内容。 我没有考虑泡沫中外部阴道的大小,即体积。 居住在泡沫的外壳的高度和宽度。 如果我知道高和宽度,我就能够有与高和宽度相匹配的胚胎。 现在,我手脚的泡沫硬化成现件泡沫的大小;然而,那将具有不同的胎儿泡沫卷体。

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