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Port Number for Incoming Apple Push Notifications

What network services, port numbers, outgoing incoming or both, need to be open on a network for an ipod touch to receive Apple Push Notifications?

I know the outgoing port number to set when sending the apns. The only thing is, in my school practically every outgoing (and incoming) port is blocked and as a result APNs do not work. I am sure that if I talked to my network administrator and told him which port to unblock, he would do so. So my question is: What network services, port numbers, outgoing incoming or both, need to be open on a network for an ipod touch to receive Apple Push Notifications?


According to Apple s docs: port 5223.

If the device is connected over Wi-Fi and is still unable to receive notifications, the Wi-Fi network you re using might have a firewall that is blocking port 5223. This port must be open to TCP traffic for notifications to work.


For APNS to work from within your network you must be able to communicate to The TCP connection is made from iOS device out to *.push.apple.com. There is no inbound TCP connections required.

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