I was wondering if someone could give me some pointers to help optimize my jQuery Full Calendar Code. The issue i m running into is when I fetch a lot of events through AJAX (> 25), the browser stalls and becomes unresponsive usually resulting in a message to the user to abort the script. I m trying to avoid this error, and I was wondering if there was something I could do in my function to improve the loading time.
Here is a copy of the function I m running:
//Load the Business Unit Calendar Events
function ajaxBUEvents(start, end){
//Loop through the selected checked calendars
$(selectBUCalendars()).each(function(i, cal){
type: POST ,
data: { startDate : start, endDate : end, buCals[] : cal},
url: <?= site_url( AJAX/calendar_ajax/get_cal_events ); ?> ,
dataType: json ,
async: false,
beforeSend: function(){
$( #loading-dialog ).dialog({minHeight: 100, width: 250}).dialog( open );
$( #loading-dialog p ).text( Loading +cal+ Calendar Events );
success: function(calevents){
$.each(calevents, function(i, calevent){
$( #calendar ).fullCalendar( renderEvent , calevent, true);
$( #loading-dialog ).dialog( close );
And here is a sample of the JSON that is returned, this is only one event. Sometimes there can be 50+ events returned:
[{"id":4377,"title":"BWR - Lighting Affiliates Dinner - Actualized","start":1259874000,"end":1259888400,"className":"BWR Actualized","allDay":false,"editable":false}]
Thank you for the help!