I have an image control with the height and width bound to a property as follows:
<Image x:Name="capturedPhoto" Height="{x:Bind Path=CrosshairHeight, Mode=OneWay}" Width="{x:Bind Path=CrosshairWidth, Mode=OneWay}"/>
And I have number boxes bound to the same properties.
<muxc:NumberBox Value="{x:Bind Path=CrosshairHeight, Mode=TwoWay}" SpinButtonPlacementMode="Inline" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" />
<muxc:NumberBox Value="{x:Bind Path=CrosshairWidth, Mode=TwoWay}" SpinButtonPlacementMode="Inline" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" />
When I change the value of the number box at run time, the image size doesn t change.