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rust macro: combine params with literal string as function name error
  • 时间:2023-05-25 03:00:42
  •  标签:
  • rust
  • macros

I create a macro in rust:

macro_rules! generate_i64_get_inc{
        ($($field_name:ident),*) => {
            pub(super) fn get_$field_name(&self) -> i64 {
                self. $field_name.load(Ordering::Acquire)

            pub(super) fn inc_$field_name(&mut self, value: i64) -> i64 {
                self. $field_name.fetch_add(value, Ordering::AcqRel) + value

and invoke it:

impl TxStats {
    generate_i64_get_inc!(pg_alloc, pg_count);

but get error on get_$field_name:

expected one of ( or <, found pg_alloc

I hope it works well.



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