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Is there a good javascript WYSIWYG tool that uses absolute positioning?

I m building a site where users (with no knowledge of html/css) will custom-design simple static HTML pages. Years ago, I used a CMS that used absolute positioning with drag and drop for designing static pages, and it was a fantastically easy UI for anyone to grasp.

I m wondering if there s a javascript solution for this that I could implement in my new site. It would need the basic bold, italic, font size, image uploads available in something like TinyMCE, but I d also like for elements to be positioned absolutely by the user.

Anyone know of such a solution?

JQuery solutions are fine, since I m using JQuery anyway on the site. I d prefer not to have to load in a second framework.


I know of no specific solutions. I wonder if you implement a jquery drag and drop plugin, on the drop you could get the dropped coordinates and dynamically create a CSS file for the dropped element containing those absolute coordinates.


You might want to take a look at the YAML Builder (for inspiration). It s not exactly what you re searching for but it is a WYSIWYG website editor relying heavily on jQuery and jQuery UI. Although, it s built for developers and not for noobs.

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