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原标题:Django-haystack result filtering using attributes?

难道有人能举一个例子,说明如何利用属性,对全文检索结果进行过滤? 我在自己的网站上通过该辅导,但对于如何使用“灰色”。

For instance, let s say I have a class Product:

class Product(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    description = models.TextField()
    category = models.CharField(max_length=10)
    color = models.CharField(max_length=10)

If I want to provide fulltext search on title & description, and filtering (based on drop-down lists, not free text) on category and color - what do I need to do? Can I use the forms and views that come with haystack?



您是否在<上读到 rel=“nofollow noreferer”>?tutorial/documentation上载于django-haystack网站? 它通过一个根据<代码>说明<>/代码>模式的作者进行过滤的实例,在开始辅导时采用这一模式。

与沙斯特克和搜寻不同的另一种选择是:django-filter<>/code>,由Alex Gaynor提供,它允许你根据模型内容而不是指数对田地进行过滤。 因此,可将其用于按<代码>django-haystack索引的模型。 http://github.com/alex/django-filter”rel=“nofollow noretinger”>here。 笔记中有好的笔记,其中包括测试显示所有功能。


  1. you need to add faceted fields to your index model
 title =  CharField(model_attr= title , faceted=True)
 description =  CharField(model_attr= description , faceted=True)
  1. change your queryset to
  sqs = SearchQuerySet().facet( title ).facet( description )
  1. use faceted versions of search form and view that haystack provides in urls.py use this
  url(r ^$ , FacetedSearchView(form_class=FacetedSearchForm, searchqueryset=sqs), name= haystack_search ),
  1. http://docs.haystacksearch.org/dev/faceting.html#display-the-facets-in-the-template”rel=“nofollow”

  2. 重建你的指数,以了解面对的影响

   python manage.py rebuild_index

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