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JOOMLA + XML Parsing Error at 1:1496. Error 4: not well-formed (invalid token)

I am receiving the error: "XML Parsing Error at 1:1496. Error 4: not well-formed (invalid token)" on all pages of a Joomla install. Not sure exactly when the error started but it was working before. I have recently installed SOBI2 and 4RSS components, however when I disable or uninstall them the error still shows up.

Joomla Version 1.5.15

URL: http://magni.webcity.com.au/~bes47125/water-alerts/

Any help with solving this error or even removing the display of it would be greatly appreciated.


This can happen for a variety of reasons, but all point back to an XML file being invalid. Some common causes:

  • a file you have uploaded was uploaded corruptly
  • a component/module/etc you are using has a bad XML file
  • there s some mischief going on...

It can be a little tricky to figure out exactly which file (the error message only shows line/column!), so I find it handy to go into the administration area. From there, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall .

Now click through the Components , Modules , Plugins , Languages , Templates tabs. Note that the error could be in an XML file for any of these - and if you re noticing it on every page, then I would suspect a Language or Template is most likely.

If the same error comes up when you go to a tab, then one of the items in that tab has an invalid XML file. From there I d try checking the files on your site vs. known good copies (filesize can be a good indication), and re-upload any corrupted files.

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