English 中文(简体)
原标题:regular expression for French characters
  • 时间:2009-12-17 14:19:28
  •  标签:
  • php
  • regex


增 编

/^[a-zàâçéèêëîïôûùüÿñæœ .-]*$/i

利用<代码>i进行个案审查,使事情更加简单。 如果你不希望允许空洞,则改动<代码>*至+



/^[a-zA-ZÀ->。 页: 1


^ Start of the string [ ... ]* Zero or more of the following: a-z lowercase alphabets A-Z Uppercase alphabets À-ÿ Accepts lowercase and uppercase characters including letters with an umlaut - dashes . periods spaces $ End of the string


/^[p{L}-. ]*$/u


^         Start of the string
[ ... ]*  Zero or more of the following:
  p{L}     Unicode letter characters
  -         dashes
  .         periods
$         End of the string
/u        Enable Unicode mode in PHP


<代码>[wÀ-Üà-øoù-ÿŒœ]。 这涉及的特性略高于法语,但排除了东欧和斯堪的纳维亚语中与法语无关的很大一部分。 我认为,这是短暂性和排他性之间的一种体面的妥协。

To match/validate complete sentences, I use this expression: [ws.,!?:;&#%’ "()«»À-Üà-øoù-ÿŒœ], which includes punctuation and French style quotation marks.

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 简单使用以下代码:


This line of regex pass throug all of cirano de bergerac french text: (you will need to remove markup language characters http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1256/1256-8.txt

^([0-9A-Za-zu00C0-u017F ,.; -()s:!?"])+

All French and Spanish accents /^[a-zA-ZàâäæáãåāèéêëęėēîïīįíìôōøõóòöœùûüūúÿçćčńñÀÂÄÆÁÃÅĀÈÉÊËĘĖĒÎÏĪĮÍÌÔŌØÕÓÒÖŒÙÛÜŪÚŸÇĆČŃÑ .-]*$/


/^[ a-zA-ZxBF-xFF.-]+$/


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