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Column total NAN error
  • 时间:2009-12-29 07:35:08
  •  标签:
  • jquery
  • nan

I am using this bit of code to add the values in a table column which works pretty well until it encounters a null td cell with a   value. From that point on in the loop, I receive a NaN error in my alert. I m wondering how to ignore these non-numeric values or replace them with zero for the calculation?

jQuery(function() {
        var MarketCapTotal = 0;
        // loop through the table
        jQuery( #grdWatchlistname tbody tr ).each(function() {
        // replace the dollar signs and commas
        var MarketCap = (jQuery( td:nth-child(4) , jQuery(this)).html
().replace( $ ,   ).replace(/[^a-zA-Z 0-9]+/g,   ));
            var td4th = jQuery( td:nth-child(4) , jQuery(this));
            MarketCapTotal += parseInt(MarketCap);

Try this:

MarketCapTotal += isNaN(MarketCap) ? 0: parseInt(MarketCap, 10);

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