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How to Add this functionality to Qt 4.6 embedded linux QWS ( Qt Windowing System)?

I want to send an event to an Qt Application named "Video Player" from Qt Server when any of the running application s any widget gets Paint Event.

How to do it?


If you have access to the other applications and have DBus available on your device, I would suggest using it for this purpose. You can install an event handler in each of the other applications that emits a signal over DBus, and your video player application can subscribe to that signal and do whatever it needs to when it gets the signal.

I doubt that you ll be able to get paint events from the QWS, however. It probably just tells the given application what region/rectangle needs refreshed, and the application finds the appropriate widgets and sends them the paint events. I would be surprised if the QWS had any knowledge of the individual widgets in a given application.



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