English 中文(简体)
原标题:Watchdog win service to watch another win service

I want to make a windows service that monitors another windows service, and make sure that it is working. sometimes the Win Service that I want to watch stay in the memory (appear in task manager, so it is considered a running service, but the fact is that it is doing nothing, it is dead, its timer is not firing for one reason, which is not the subject for this question).

what I need is to make a watch dog Win Service that somehow reads a value in the memory that the other watched service is periodically writing. I thought about using Named Pipes but I don t want to add communication issues to my services, I want to know if there is a way to create such a shared memory between 2 applications (possibly using a named system wide Mutex?)


由于你必须处理检测 service子服务的问题,我不认为像mut子这样的ker子会帮助你发现活性。 甲型肝炎也是一种良好的物质。

我的个人偏好是发出小型心脏电文的指定管道(因为也可在网络中发现这种电线),但如果你想要避免管道的复杂性——我猜测是可以理解的——那么你就可以在一个预先确定的登记处钥匙中更新电灯。 如果两个服务都由当地系统管理,你就可以把钥匙/价值写成香港重要部门。 LOCAL_ MACHINE. 经常操作泵站和监控钥匙的变化(反包装观察)。 你获得的电灯有正常的窗户/水泵,因此,电梯仪处于极限,但你仍然可以使用时间选择或等待时间。

如果一项服务是在非行政账户下进行的,那么香港人权行动会获得一些服务,但这种服务的情况非常少见。 当然,所有这一切都假定,你可以使用这两种服务守则。 观察第三方服务将严重限制你的选择。



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