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Why would waitpid in Perl return wrong exit code?

I get wrong exit code from waitpid and I can t figure out why. Could someone give me some ideas?

Here what I do:

  1. I start my child process with open2
  2. then I wait for it to finish with waitpid
  3. get exit code using $?

It always returns with -1 no mater what I return from child process. I check with VS debugger that my program returns an exit code of 0. VS says something like this:

The program  [3256] Test.exe: Native  has exited with code 0 (0x0).

I made sure that pids match.

Any ideas?


I just figured it out. waitpid has 3 stages:

 1. process is running:    waitpid returns 0;   $? is -1
 2. process is exiting:    waitpid returns pid; $? is actual exit code
 3. process doesn t exist: waitpid returns -1;  $? is -1

so when doing something like while(waitpid($pid, WNOHANG) >= 0) exit code must be retrieved once cycle before that.


From the waitpid man page:

Note that on some systems, a return value of "-1" could mean that child processes are being automatically reaped. See perlipc for details, and for other examples.

Rather than using waitpid, you should just close the filehandle. (I assume the "open2" in your question is a typo, and you meant "open")

Works for me (Windows):

use IPC::Open3;
use POSIX  :sys_wait_h ;
use Time::HiRes;


my ($fin, $fh, $pid);
$pid = open3($fin, $fh, 0,  ping , ) or die( error );

my @lines = ();
while (1) {
    while (my $line = <$fh>) {
        push(@lines, $line);
        print( + );
ret: `$?`
"), last if waitpid($pid, WNOHANG) <= 0;
waitpid($pid, 0);
ret: `$?`

Will output:

ret: `-1`

ret: `0`

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