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相互递归 - 能有人帮忙解释一下这段代码是如何工作的吗?
  • 时间:2008-12-29 08:44:49
  •  标签:


initial                 = 0
next resp               = resp
process req             = req+1

reqs                    = client initial resps
resps                   = server reqs

server          (req:reqs)   = process req : server reqs
client initial ~(resp:resps) = initial : client (next resp) resps

And the calling code:
take 10 reqs



我发现手动计算小的 Haskell 程序通常是值得的。评估规则非常简单。记住的关键事情是 Haskell 是 非严格 (也称为 惰性):表达式只在需要时才被求值。惰性是看似无限的定义能够产生有用结果的原因。在这种情况下,使用 take 意味着我们只需要无限列表 reqs 的前 10 个元素:它们是我们所“需要”的。



take 0 _      = []
take n (x:xs) = x : take (n-1) xs

“take 10 reqs”的评估如下:”

take 10 reqs 
      -- definition of reqs
    = take 10 (client initial resps)
      -- definition of client [Note: the pattern match is lazy]
    = take 10 (initial : ( resp:resps  -> client (next resp) resps ) 
      -- definition of take
    = initial : take 9 (( resp:resps  -> client (next resp) resps ) 
      -- definition of initial
    = 0 : take 9 (( resp:resps  -> client (next resp) resps ) 
      -- definition of resps
    = 0 : take 9 (( resp:resps  -> client (next resp) resps ) 
                      (server reqs))
      -- definition of reqs
    = 0 : take 9 (( resp:resps  -> client (next resp) resps ) 
                      (server (client initial resps)))
      -- definition of client
    = 0 : take 9 (( resp:resps  -> client (next resp) resps ) 
                      (server (initial : {- elided... -}))
      -- definition of server
    = 0 : take 9 (( resp:resps  -> client (next resp) resps ) 
                      (process initial : server {-...-}))
      -- beta reduction 
    = 0 : take 9 (client (next (process initial)) (server {-...-})
      -- definition of client 
    = 0 : take 9 (next (process initial) : {-...-})
      -- definition of take 
    = 0 : next (process initial) : take 8 {-...-}
      -- definition of next 
    = 0 : process initial : take 8 {-...-}
      -- definition of process 
    = 0 : initial+1 : take 8 {-...-}
      -- definition of initial 
    = 0 : 1 : take 8 {-...-}
      -- and so on...


  • distinguishing between definition , which may be infinite (like the set of natural numbers: naturals = (1 : map ->n+1 naturals), or the list of processed requests) and reduction , which is the process of mapping actual data to these definitions
  • seeing the structure of this client-server application: it s just a pair of processes talking to eachother: client-server is a bad name, really: it should have been called wallace-gromit or foo-bar , or talking philosophers or whatever, but it s symmetrical: the two parties are peers.

As Jon already stated, reduction works in a lazy way (aka call by need ): take 2 naturals would not first evaluate the complete set of naturals, but just take the first one, and prepend that to take 1 (map ->n+1 naturals), which would reduce to [1,(1+1) ] = [1,2].


  • server is a way to create a list of responses out of a list of requests by using the process function
  • client is a way to create a request based on a response, and append the response of that request to the list of responses.



someresponses = wallace 0 [1,8,9]    -- would reduce to 0,1,8,9
tworesponses  = take 2 someresponses -- [0,1]


gromitsfirstgrunt = 0
otherresponses = wallace gromitsfirstgrunt (gromit otherresponses)
twootherresponses = take 2 otherresponses -- reduces to [0, take 1 (wallace (gromit ( (next 0):...) )]
                                          -- reduces to [0, take 1 (wallace (gromit ( 0:... ) )  ) ]
                                          -- reduces to [0, take 1 (wallace (1: gromit (...)  )  ) ]
                                          -- reduces to [0, take 1 (1 : wallace (gromit (...)  ) ) ]
                                          -- reduces to [0, 1 ]

其中一方需要开始讨论,因此将初始值提供给 wallace


我已经有一段时间没有使用Haskell了,但我相当确定它是惰性评估的,这意味着它只计算它实际需要的内容。所以虽然reqs是无限递归的,但是由于take 10 reqs只需要返回列表的前10个元素,因此只计算了这10个元素。



server? it s simply map process which is map ->n+1

client? It s obscure way how to write 0 : server client e.g. 0 : map ->n+1 [0: map ->n+1 [0:...]]
