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How can I trap the unknown cause of a Javascript popup?

I am debugging someone else s web page. There is a link on it which tries to open itself in a popup window, the reason for this is unclear -- there is nothing obvious in the HTML (onclick=foo) to cause this.

Disabling JavaScript means the link opens normally. I have Firefox/Firebug/Dom Inspector and would like to trap whatever JavaScript event is leading to the popup. Since I can t find the code, I m stuck.

Can Firebug create a sort of global breakpoint to trap all code? Is there some other way to hook into this behaviour and inspect it?

The page in question is http://hijinxmusic.co.uk/ and the problem link is "Green Policy" near the bottom.

Thanks for your time.


The green policy document opens a popup with itself on load:

<body onload="MM_openBrWindow( green%20policy.htm , green , width=900,height=600 )">

This is inside green policy.htm

Just to add to David s answer, the function that gets executed on body load in the page at http://hijinxmusic.co.uk/green%20policy.htm essentially calls window.open()

function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0

The bigger problem is that the page that you are trying to open in a new window is the same window that the user is already looking at, which doesn t make any sense. What s more is that if the popup blocker wasn t blocking window creation, you would have an infinite loop of popups (load green policy.html, open a new green policy.html, load green policy.html, etc). Where did you want the popup to happen?

Also, to add to Russ Cam s answer, you can detect when the popup fails to open by checking the return value of window.open. I have used this successfully in Firefox, IE, Opera and Safari (haven t needed to test in Chrome). Using the provided function, this is how I handle blocked popups:

function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0
    if ( !window.open(theURL, winName, features) ) {
        // Window failed to open:
        // show a HTML dialog/popover that prompts the user to allow
        // popups from this site, along with a `cancel` and `try again`
        // button.  The `try again` button will attempt to open the
        // window again with the provided parameters
    // Window opened successfully.

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