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Error on syntax for generating coverage data from multiple files using lcov in Windows

I would like some help... I m having trouble coming up with the syntax to generate coverage data from multiple files using lcov in Windows.

I have gcov, lcov and genhtml installed on cygwin (I m running this under Windows). All of those files are inside cygwin/bin directory. The coverage data I flush through I believe are perl scripts created from JsTestCoverage and has the following format:

//rinse and repeat till no more files

Note I have NOT used genhtml on the coverage data yet.

I then tried something like:

perl genhtml /../home/administrator/coverage1.dat /../home/administrator/coverage2.dat

But got an error saying:

genhtml: Can t use an undefined value as a HASH reference at genhtml line 1506.

I m not sure whether I ve got the process wrong either, being not from linux background at all.

Thanks in advance.


Worked out to be that there were repeating results in the coverage data. I took out the repeating data, and the error disappeared.




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