I ve just added a settings bundle to my app and am having trouble reading the bool settings. I know that upon launch of the app, the settings are not read unless the user actually enters them - and that s what I am trying to capture.
However, my code is simply capturing if the answer is NO OR they havent been set. I need to find out if they ve been set, THEN set answers!
setting code:
BOOL playSound;
BOOL playVibrate;
//test for some defaults
NSUserDefaults *prefs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
if (![prefs boolForKey:@"pref_sound"]) {
playSound = YES;
playVibrate = YES;
} else {
playSound = [prefs boolForKey:@"pref_sound"];
playVibrate = [prefs boolForKey:@"pref_vibrate"];
if (playSound) {
//do stuff
the problem is, if the user sets the settings to "NO", the code then changes both vibrate AND sound to yes - which is meant to be the capture for NOT setting....
any ideas?