English 中文(简体)
原标题:Locale-independent strtod implementation

I have a library which needs to parse double numbers which always use a point . as decimal separator. Unfortunately for this case, strtod() respects the locale which might use a different separator and thus parsing can fail. I can t setlocale() - it isn t thread-safe. So I m searching for a clean locale-independent strtod implementation now. I have found multiple implementations so far, but all of them look hacky or just like bad code. Can someone recommend a well-tested, working, clean (ANSI) C implementation for me?


Grab some known implementation (that doesn t depend on atof), such as the one distributed with ruby: ruby_1_8/missing/strtod.c.


Warning: The proposed implementation from ruby contains bugs. I wouldn t mind the small difference pointed out by gavin, but if you try to parse something like "0.000000000000000000000000000000000000783475" you will get 0.0 instead of 7.834750e-37 (like the stock strtod() returns.)


#include <sstream>
#include "strtod_locale_independent.h"

extern "C" double strtod_locale_independent(const char* s)
     std::istringstream text( s );
     double result;
     text >> result;
     return result;


继上述答复之后,我尝试在ruby_1_8/missing/strtod.c。 然而,对于一些投入,这在Mac和Atlin平台上,对水泥 par和从微粒中铺设提供了不同的答案:

char * endptr ;
double value1 = 1.15507e-173 ;
double value2 = strtod( "1.15507e-173", &endptr ) ;
double value3 = test_strtod( "1.15507e-173", &endptr ) ;
assert( sizeof( double ) == sizeof( unsigned long ) ) ;
printf( "value1 = %lg, 0x%lx.
", value1, *(unsigned long*)( &value1 ) ) ;
printf( "value2 = %lg, 0x%lx.
", value2, *(unsigned long*)( &value2 ) ) ;
printf( "value3 = %lg, 0x%lx.
", value2, *(unsigned long*)( &value3 ) ) ;
assert( value1 == value2 ) ;
assert( value1 == value3 ) ;


value1 = 1.15507e-173, 0x1c06dace8bda0ee0.
value2 = 1.15507e-173, 0x1c06dace8bda0ee0.
value3 = 1.15507e-173, 0x1c06dace8bda0edf.
Assertion failed: (value1 == value3), function main, file main.c, line 16.



虽然时间已经很晚,但它可以为未来的读者提供一些见解。 按照上文Florian Kusche的答复模式,这里完全是“C”替代物,我已经成功地在各种护堤上进行了测试。 这一解决办法的一项要求是在实施<代码>strtod(之前暂时取消当地用户的系统。

#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define _LOCALE_N_ 13

int category[_LOCALE_N_] =
   LC_ALL           , //   All of the locale
   LC_ADDRESS       , //   Formatting of addresses and geography-related items (*)
   LC_COLLATE       , //   String collation
   LC_CTYPE         , //   Character classification
   LC_IDENTIFICATION, //   Metadata describing the locale (*)
   LC_MEASUREMENT   , //   Settings related to measurements (metric versus US customary) (*)
   LC_MESSAGES      , //   Localizable natural-language messages
   LC_MONETARY      , //   Formatting of monetary values
   LC_NAME          , //   Formatting of salutations for persons (*)
   LC_NUMERIC       , //   Formatting of nonmonetary numeric values
   LC_PAPER         , //   Settings related to the standard paper size (*)
   LC_TELEPHONE     , //   Formats to be used with telephone services (*)
   LC_TIME            //   Formatting of date and time values

void _store_locale_info(char *vals[_LOCALE_N_])
  /* store the current locale information in an array of strings for future use */

  int i;

  for (i=0; i<_LOCALE_N_; i++)
    char *loc_str = setlocale(category[i], "");
    int L = strlen(loc_str);
    vals[i] = calloc(L+1, sizeof(char));
    strncpy(vals[i], setlocale(category[i], ""), L+1);

void _restore_locale_info(char *vals[_LOCALE_N_])
  /* restore the locale information from a previosly-populated array of strings */

  int i;

  for (i=0; i<_LOCALE_N_; i++)
    if (vals[i])
      setlocale(category[i], vals[i]);

double _strtod_c (const char *string, char **endPtr)
  /* Wrapper function for strtod() that enforces the "C" locale before converting a floating-point
   * number from an ASCII decimal representation to internal double-precision format. */

  char *vals[_LOCALE_N_];
  double rval = 0;
  rval = strtod(string, endPtr);
  return rval;

int main()
  char *str = "1024.123456";
  char **endPtr;
  char locale_str[100];

str = "%s"

", str);
", str);

  strcpy(locale_str, setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"));
  printf("%-6s :: strtod(str, endPtr) = %.15g
", locale_str, strtod(str, endPtr));

  strcpy(locale_str, setlocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE"));
  printf("%-6s :: strtod(str, endPtr) = %.15g
", locale_str, strtod(str, endPtr));


  strcpy(locale_str, setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"));
  printf("%-6s :: _strtod_c(str, endPtr) = %.15g
", locale_str, _strtod_c(str, endPtr));

  strcpy(locale_str, setlocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE"));
  printf("%-6s :: _strtod_c(str, endPtr) = %.15g
", locale_str, _strtod_c(str, endPtr));



str = "1024.123456"

C      :: strtod(str, endPtr) = 1024.123456
de_DE  :: strtod(str, endPtr) = 1024
C      :: _strtod_c(str, endPtr) = 1024.123456
de_DE  :: _strtod_c(str, endPtr) = 1024.123456


#include <locale.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

double my_strtod(const char *s, char **endp) {
    char buf[1024];
    char *p = strchr(s,  . );
    if (p == NULL || (size_t)(p - s) >= sizeof(buf)) {
        return strtod(s, endp);
    struct lconv *lp = localeconv();
    *buf =   ;
    strncat(buf, s, sizeof(buf) - 1);
    buf[p - s] = *lp->decimal_point;
    double v = strtod(buf, &p);
    if (endp) {
        *endp = s + (p - buf);
    return v;



#include <locale.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

double my_strtod(char *s, char **endp) {
    char *p = strchr(s,  . );
    if (p != NULL) {
        struct lconv *lp = localeconv();
        *p = *lp->decimal_point;
    double v = strtod(buf, endp);
    if (p != NULL) {
        *p =  . ;
    return v;


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