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Write table on the fly
  • 时间:2009-12-22 19:01:45
  •  标签:
  • scala
  • lift

I have the following function, and I would like to write to the page instead of the println. How can I do that? I need a table with that information in my page, But I did t find any information about that, I saw how to write collections to the page, but I would rather prefer write to the page on the fly.

Thanks in advance and I hope for your response.

def tablaAmortizacion(xhtml:NodeSeq,monto:Double,amort:Double,start:java.util.Calendar) {
    var formatter = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy")
    var end = new java.util.GregorianCalendar()
    var difference = Math.abs(start.getTimeInMillis - end.getTimeInMillis)
    var days = difference / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)

    println("Monto sal: " + monto + "   Amortizacion: " + amort + "   Start: " + formatter.format(start.getTime)  + "   End: " + formatter.format(end.getTime) + "   Days: " + days)

    if (monto > amort) {


Fernando Avalos.


Or you can do something like this where you generate the table in the method.

def list = <table>

def generateTableBody = {
//calculate values here.

I m not sure what you mean write to the page. Do you mean you want to dynamically add your table to the page after it s rendered? If you mean in an ajax kind of way, you should look at the comet chat app.

Or do you mean you want some sort of expression language like jsp/jsf pages do? If you mean like jsp/jsf pages, the answer is you can t, by design. If you need to dynamically generate html, you do that in your snippet, not in the xhtml.

here s the answer: In your xhtml file you can have something like:

        <th>First Name</th>
        <th>Middle Name</th>
        <th>Last Name</th>

Then your snippet looks like:

def list(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {

val people = Model.createNamedQuery[Person]("findAllPeople").getResultList()

people.flatMap(person =>
        bind("party", xhtml,
          "firstName" -> Text(person.getFirstName()),
          "middleName" -> Text(person.getMiddleName()),
          "lastName" -> Text(person.getLastName()),
          "edit" -> link("/contact/person/edit", () => personVar(person), Text(?("Edit"))),
          "delete" -> link("/contact/person/delete", () => personVar(person), Text(?("Delete")))


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