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JAVA_HOME points to the wrong place

I seem to have an incorrectly specified JAVA_HOME variable. I can get around it for many things but now I am seem to be stuck. I am trying to use the Google App Engine and upload an application.

When I do so I get the error that the error:

cannot find javac executable based on java.home, tried "C:Program FilesJavajre6injavac.exe" and "C:Program FilesJavainjavac.exe"

I don t understand why it is looking there, doing echo %JAVA_HOME% gives me:

C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_14

Which is where Java actually is. I am thinking my best hope might be to just put Java where it is looking for it - can you think of anything better.


Looks like it s possibly a bug:


There are lots of suggested workarounds/solutions, but comment #24 in the bug entry seems promising:

The problem is that GAE plugin for Eclipse is default configured with a JRE instead of a JDK.

To change this, do the following:

Preferences > Java > Installed JRE s > Add... For JRE Type select Standard VM > Next > Directory: select your JDK directory (instead of JRE) (in my case: C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_16 ), press OK.

Now, you are back at Installed JRE s , select the JDK here also.


Double check for any typo in the JAVA_HOME path.

Or simply add "C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_14in" to your %PATH%

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