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How can I escape meta-characters when I interpolate a variable in Perl s match operator?

Suppose I have a file containing lines I m trying to match against:


In my code, I have another array:


Let s say we iterate through the file, calling each element $word, and the internal list we are checking against, @arr.

if( grep {$_ =~ m/^$word$/i} @arr)

This works correctly, but in the somewhat possible case where we have an test case of fo. in the file, the . operates as a wildcard operator in the regex, and fo. then matches foo, which is not acceptable.

This is of course because Perl is interpolating the variable into a regex.

The question:

How do I force Perl to use the variable literally?


The correct answer is - don t use regexps. I m not saying regexps are bad, but using them for (what equals to) simple equality check is overkill.

Use: grep { lc($_) eq lc($word) } @arr and be happy.


Use Q...E to escape special symbols directly in perl string after variable value interpolation:

if( grep {$_ =~ m/^Q$wordE$/i} @arr)

From perlfaq6 s answer to How do I match a regular expression that s in a variable?:

We don t have to hard-code patterns into the match operator (or anything else that works with regular expressions). We can put the pattern in a variable for later use.

The match operator is a double quote context, so you can interpolate your variable just like a double quoted string. In this case, you read the regular expression as user input and store it in $regex. Once you have the pattern in $regex, you use that variable in the match operator.

chomp( my $regex = <STDIN> );

if( $string =~ m/$regex/ ) { ... }

Any regular expression special characters in $regex are still special, and the pattern still has to be valid or Perl will complain. For instance, in this pattern there is an unpaired parenthesis.

my $regex = "Unmatched ( paren";

"Two parens to bind them all" =~ m/$regex/;

When Perl compiles the regular expression, it treats the parenthesis as the start of a memory match. When it doesn t find the closing parenthesis, it complains:

Unmatched ( in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/Unmatched ( <-- HERE  paren/ at script line 3.

You can get around this in several ways depending on our situation. First, if you don t want any of the characters in the string to be special, you can escape them with quotemeta before you use the string.

chomp( my $regex = <STDIN> );
$regex = quotemeta( $regex );

if( $string =~ m/$regex/ ) { ... }

You can also do this directly in the match operator using the Q and E sequences. The Q tells Perl where to start escaping special characters, and the E tells it where to stop (see perlop for more details).

chomp( my $regex = <STDIN> );

if( $string =~ m/Q$regexE/ ) { ... }

Alternately, you can use qr//, the regular expression quote operator (see perlop for more details). It quotes and perhaps compiles the pattern, and you can apply regular expression flags to the pattern.

chomp( my $input = <STDIN> );

my $regex = qr/$input/is;

$string =~ m/$regex/  # same as m/$input/is;

You might also want to trap any errors by wrapping an eval block around the whole thing.

chomp( my $input = <STDIN> );

eval {
    if( $string =~ m/Q$inputE/ ) { ... }
warn $@ if $@;


my $regex = eval { qr/$input/is };
if( defined $regex ) {
    $string =~ m/$regex/;
else {
    warn $@;


Returns the value of EXPR with all non-"word" characters backslashed.


I don t think you want a regex in this case since you aren t matching a pattern. You re looking for a literal sequence of characters that you already know. Build a hash with the values to match and use that to filter @arr:

 open my $fh,  < , $filename or die "...";
 my %hash = map { chomp; lc($_), 1 } <$fh>;

 foreach my $item ( @arr ) 
      next unless exists $hash{ lc($item) };
      print "I matched [$item]

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