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原标题:Why does onChange crash Internet Explorer 7?


On this page the selectboxes crashes Internet Explorer 7 on some computers. Never on my computer. Does anybody knows why?

Live link: http://velour.se/collection/women/tops/eloise A. 更新: turns out that the first like I posted did not crash. But the following does: http://velour.se/collection/women/outerwear/irina



<select id="sizeDD" onchange="javascript:SizeChange(this);"></select>

//Internet Explorer problem.
function SizeChange(e){


    function DrawAmountDD(maxAmount){
        /*var max = parseInt(maxAmount) > parseInt(maxShowAmount) ? maxShowAmount : maxAmount;
        var html = "";
        for(var i=1; i <= max; i++){
            html += "<option value= " + i + " >" + i + "</option>";

        var max = parseInt(maxAmount) > parseInt(maxShowAmount) ? maxShowAmount : maxAmount;
        var ddlAmount = document.getElementById("amountDD");

        for(var a=1; a <= max; a++){
            ddlAmount.options[a-1].value = a;
            ddlAmount.options[a-1].text = a;


<select id="sizeDD"></select>
<select id="amountDD"></select>

<script type="text/javascript">
    var maxShowAmount =  5 ;
    var colorSizeArr =
      { "colSize":
            { "color": "Black/Offwhite",
              "specificId": "2",
              "size": "XS",
              "amount": "1" }

      { "color": "Black/Offwhite",
        "specificId": "13",
        "size": "S",
        "amount": "2" });

    $(document).ready(function () {
        var selectSizeDD = document.getElementById( sizeDD );
        selectSizeDD.onchange = function () { sizeChange(selectSizeDD); };

    function sizeChange(e) {

    function GetAmountById(specificId) {
        for (var i = 0; i < colorSizeArr.colSize.length; i++) {
            if (colorSizeArr.colSize[i].specificId == specificId) {
                return colorSizeArr.colSize[i].amount;
        return 1;

    function DrawAmountDD(maxAmount) {
        var max = parseInt(maxAmount) > parseInt(maxShowAmount) ? maxShowAmount : maxAmount;
        var html = "";
        for (var i = 1; i <= max; i++) {
            html += "<option value= " + i + " >" + i + "</option>";


A. 更新

我没有夸张为什么因特网探索者7在一些电脑上坠毁。 无论怎样,上述法典都与它毫不相干。 更为简单。 浏览器在点击只有一个选择的选箱时坠毁。 与此类似:

<select id="amountDD">
<option value="1">1</option>



I hope by "crash" you mean "the JavaScript doesn t work", not "Internet Explorer crashes." If it s just the page, you can usually see the error by clicking "error on page" in the status bar.
Also, try some classic JavaScript debugging - comment out blocks of the function one at a time until you find the block that crashes it, then narrow it down to the line.

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