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jquery match() variable interpolation - complex regexes

I ve already looked at this, which was helpful to a point.

Here s the problem. I have a list of users propagated into an element via user click; something like this:

<div id="box">

On click, I want to make sure that the user has not already been clicked into the div. So, I m doing something like:

if ( ! $( #box ).html().match(rcpt) )
   alert(rcpt+  already exists. );

However, with existing lack of interpolation that javascript has for regular expressions, is causing my alert to trigger in the use-case where page-joe-user is selected and then the user selects joe-user, which are clearly not exactly the same.

In Perl I would do something like:

if ( $rcpt =~ /^QrcptE/ )
    # code

All I want to do is change my match() to be:

if ( ! $( #box ).html().match(/^rcpt/) )
    # code

if ( ! $( #box ).html().match(rcpt) ) seemed a little promising but it, too, fails. Using new RegExp() also does not work using concatenation of complex RE syntax within the function IE $( #box ).html().match(new RegExp( ^ +rcpt)). I also tried $( #box ).html().match( /^ +rcpt / ). I can only imagine that I m missing something. I m pretty new to javascript.

I don t seem to be able to find anything that really addresses such a use-case, here on this site.



The match function only works on strings, not jQuery objects.

The best way to do this is to put each username into a separate HTML tag.

For example:

<ul id="users">

You can then write the following:

if($( #users li ).is(function () { return $(this).text() === rcpt; }))

If you want to do it your way, you should call text() to get the string inside the element. ($( #box ).text().match(...))

EDIT: The best way to do this using your HTML would be to split the string.

For example:

var userExists = false;
var users = $( #box ).text().split(/

for(var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {   //IE doesn t have indexOf
    if (users[i] == rcpt) {
        userExists = true;
if (userExists) {
    //Do something

This has the added benefit of not being vulnerable to regex-injection.



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