I have been struggling to get Buildr to compile my Scala 2.8 project and I was hoping someone might have figured this out already.
Currently I have the standard HelloWorld application with a buildfile like the following:
ENV[ JAVA_HOME ] = C:Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.6.0_17
ENV[ SCALA_HOME ] = C:scala-2.8.0.Beta1-RC6
define "HelloWorld" do
#artifact_ns[ Buildr::Compiler::Scalac ].library = 2.8.0
require buildr/scala
puts Scala.version
When I run buildr I get the following output:
(in C:/Users/Travis/eclipse_ws/HelloWorld, development)
Building HelloWorld
Compiling HelloWorld into C:/Users/Travis/eclipse_ws/HelloWorld/target/classes
Buildr aborted!
←[31mScala compiler crashed:
The first problem is the NoClassDefFoundError - it cannot find the scala compiler s main class. The second problem is that Scala.version is printing out 2.7.5. This is incorrect because the SCALA_HOME path is pointing to a 2.8 release.
Finally, using the --trace flag shows me that Buildr is generating a somewhat correct scalac command and when I run that command manually everything compiles. I say it s somewhat correct only because some cp entries are duplicated. See the following:
scalac -classpath C:/scala-2.8.0.Beta1-RC6/lib/scala-library.jar;C:/scala-2.8.0.Beta1-RC6/lib/scala-compiler.jar;C:/scala-2.8.0.Beta1-RC6/lib/scala-library.jar;C:/scala-2.8.0.Beta1-RC6/lib/scala-compiler.jar -sourcepath C:/Users/Travis/eclipse_ws/HelloWorld/src/main/scala -d C:/Users/Travis/eclipse_ws/HelloWorld/target/classes -verbose -g C:/Users/Travis/eclipse_ws/HelloWorld/src/main/scala/hw/HelloWorld.scala
One more thing I tried (but errored out builder) was setting the following (which I thought wasn t required w/ the presence of SCALA_HOME):
#artifact_ns[ Buildr::Compiler::Scalac ].library = 2.8.0
So any ideas?
Here is a quick list of my system info: Win 7 64 bit JDK 6 32 bit set locally for buildr but JDK 6 64 bit system-wide Ruby 1.8.6 32 bit Buildr 1.3.5 32 bit Scala 2.8.0.Beta1-RC6
One more thing I m thinking of doing is reinstalling my 32 bit JDK and getting it out the the directory with the (x86) in the name. I ve found that screws with the Scala bat files although I m not sure if this is relevant to my current problems.
Thanks in advance!