English 中文(简体)
原标题:How do I reliably release memory in iPhone app?

th的一般规则,如果你称之为一种帮助器静态方法(例如<条码>,显示ByAppendingString),那么你就应当予以释放。 在发给你之前,在自动释放库中添加了该插座。 请打电话alloc 然后是init......,则由您负责释放该物体。


  • In the second example, you alloc postData, then immediately replace it with another string created by stringByAppendingString, that is a memory leak.
  • Your release calls are wrong, they should be [postData release] and [request release]
  • I don t see any correlation between postData and request in your example, so not sure exactly what you are getting at with the two of them.

第一,在你的第二个例子中,<编码> 数据 = [NSString alloc];是完全没有必要的——postData由下行文撰写。 第二,为了回答您的问题,即为什么事情失事——没有很好的答案——系统可以选择在预留的点击之后永远放弃记忆。 页: 1 为了更方便地解答这一问题,请在NSZombieEnabled上转播任何已分配的物体,使你能100%可靠地测试坠毁。


总的来说,你应侧重于遵循记忆准则。 如果你不遵循这些准则,行为就可能不明确。


NSString *postData; // Define pointer to string
postData = [NSString alloc]; // Allocating nsstring pointer and assign it to variable
postData = [@"foo=" stringByAppendingString:fooText.text]; // assign to postData new **autoreleased** string object. result of the previous assignment is abandoned.
[postData release];  //so here you release autoreleased object!!


P.S. I m 不是完全醒过来,而是应该打上<条码>[海报发布],而不是<条码>。

NSString *postData;
postData = [[NSString alloc]init];
postData = [@"foo=" stringByAppendingString:fooText.text];
NSMutableURLRequest *request;
request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc]initWithURL:url];
    [postData release];   
    [request release]; 


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