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原标题:Xstream: removing class attribute

我如何去除“class=”Something 属性,载于Xstream 。



事实上,问题没有像应该这样明确的措辞。 我的猜测是,你正在使用一种非标准收集方法,或者利用XStream需要储存的实际种类的接口。


xstream.alias (“field name”, Interface.class, actualClass ToUse.class);

。 详见下文。


我读了自己的法典,发现如果贵国的类别不是mapper.default ImplementationOf(fieldType),那么,除非该类别的名称无效,否则,它将给你增加缺省类别。


 xstream.aliasSystemAttribute(null, "class");


private String generateResponse(final XStream xStream)
    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    xStream.marshal(this, new PrettyPrintWriter(writer) {
        public void addAttribute(final String key, final String value)
            if (!key.equals("class"))
                super.addAttribute(key, value);
    return writer.toString();

This attribute is shown, at least, when it s not obvious which class shall be used。 Usage of interface is an example。 In situations like that You can try:

xStream。addDefaultImplementation(YourDefaultImplementation。class, YourInterface。class);

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