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怎样做 是否执行信号和位置?
原标题:How does Qt implement signals and slots?

Can someone explain to me the basic idea of Qt signals&slots mechanism IMPLEMENTATION? I want to know what all those Q_OBJECT macros do "in plain C++". This question is NOT about signals&slots usage.

added: I know that Qt uses moc compiler to transform Qt-C++ in plain C++. But what does moc do? I tried to read "moc_filename.cpp" files but I have no idea what can something like this mean

void *Widget::qt_metacast(const char *_clname)
if (!_clname) return 0;
if (!strcmp(_clname, qt_meta_stringdata_Widget))
    return static_cast<void*>(const_cast< Widget*>(this));
return QDialog::qt_metacast(_clname);

关于信号和位置,<代码>Q_OBJECT/code> 宏观在班级的声明中增加了一个虚拟功能qt_metabet(),该声明将在<代码>moc后面界定。 (它还增加了一些转换声明,但此声明并不重要)。)

<代码>moc 然后,读到标题档案,看宏观时,它生成另一个<代码>.cpp文档,名称为moc_headerfilename.cpp,其中包含对虚拟功能的定义,并询问你为什么可以删除提及<编码>签字:在您的主文档中,没有适当定义————信号。

So, when a signal is called, the definition from the mocfile is executed and QMetaObject::activate() is called with the signal’s name and the signal’s arguments. The activate() function then figures out which connections have been established and fetches the names for the appropriate slots.


由于在C++中没有关于信号和位置的实际名称的实时信息,如已经注意到的,这些信息将由以下编码编码编码编码:>SLOT 简单const char*的宏观编码(在名称上加上“1”或“2”来区别信号与位置)。


#define SLOT(a)     "1"#a
#define SIGNAL(a)   "2"#a


<代码>Q_OBJECT 宏观法则界定了<代码>tr(>功能,可用于翻译您的申请。

Edit As you asked what the qt_metacast is doing. It checks whether an object belongs to certain class and if it does returns the pointer to it. If it doesn’t, it returns 0.

Widget* w = new Widget();
Q_ASSERT(w->qt_metacast("Widget") != 0);
Q_ASSERT(w->qt_metacast("QWidget") != 0);
Q_ASSERT(w->qt_metacast("QObject") != 0);
Q_ASSERT(w->qt_metacast("UnrelatedClass") == 0);

这需要提供一些时间上的思考,否则是不可能的。 这一职能载于QObject:inherits(const char *),例如,简单地检查遗产。




可在 官方文件上阅读更多内容。







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