English 中文(简体)
原标题:Opening Resources in Text File Format in Notepad


In my project I m using a bunch of bitmap files and two txt files. Bitmaps are used as backgrounds for controls, but .txt files I want to open in Notepad or WordPad. Till now I was accesing them from a file path on my machine:

ControlName.backgroundimage = New Bimap(direcorypath &>

<>Process.Start(direcorypath &>/Instrukcje.txt>

And it worked fine. Now I added these files to my resources (it s practical for me to have them in executable file) And replaced those lines with:

ControlName.backgroundimage = New Bimap(My Project)。 My.Resources.Map (

Process.Start(My Project.My.Resources.Instrukcje)

For bitmap it works fine, but for txt file an error occurs saying that a file cannot be found. Interestin thing is: when I type "MyProject.My.Resources.Instrukcje" in "Watch" it shows the content of the file. So it is there, only not as a file? I think I am missing something here
I searched everywhere whats the thing, but couldn t find anything helpful. I will be gratefil for some clues. (And sorry if somethings unclear, my programming skills are much worse than my not-so-good English) Thanks:)


资源的根植于你的文件或文件,因此不能用程序类别获得。 您可以把t子资源写到一个从中到使用的过程,以开始其时间档案。

附加信息:我用手工艺添加了1.txt文档。 用于测试你问题的参考文件,而平原文本则储存在资源档案中。 因此,如果你获得资源(InsertYourTextFilesName)财产,将归还文本档案中的案文。

如果你可能想知道:双向档案(例如,非解释性文字档案)储存在资源中是星体。 酌情在汇编的大会范围内进行转售。



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