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Guava: ImmutableSet of either values or an empty set
  • 时间:2010-01-08 01:51:05
  •  标签:
  • java
  • guava

I need a cleaner solution to using an ImmutableSet. I have code that looks like

Set foo = ImmutableSet.copyOf(aGeoR.getFailed());

it works great when aGeoR.getFailed() returns one or more entries.

it fails when the returned set is null.

When its null, I need a

Set foo = ImmutableSet.of();

What is the clean way to do this?


This is phrased as a question about Guava and ImmutableSet, but the real issue here is with aGeoR.getFailed(). It is essentially never appropriate for a collection-returning method to return null. It should be returning an empty set to begin with (see Effective Java); and yeah, the fact that it isn t is going to cause some pain to users.

When I have to deal with an API like that, and I can t fix it or get it fixed, I do exactly what you showed in your revision of @Jherico s answer.

Set<FailedGeoR> failedOrNull = aGeoR.getFailed();
Set<FailedGeoR> failed = (failedOrNull == null)
    ? ImmutableSet.<FailedGeoR>of()
    : ImmutableSet.copyOf(failedOrNull);
Set foo = aGeoR.getFailed();
foo = foo == null ? new HashSet() : ImmutableSet.copyOf(foo);

I would use an Optional:

Set<FailedGeoR> foo = Optional.ofNullable(aGeoR.getFailed())

I agree @Agustín Ranieri, but if possible, I hope Guava add ofNull and copyOfNull methods, like Optional, and it s just do one more thing, when element is null or empty, always return ImmutableSet.of(), it s let me write less duplicates code.

// the foo always not be null
ImmutableSet<?> foo = ImmutableSet.copyOfNull(aGeoR.getFailed());

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