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原标题:Make a website adaptable for iphone

I am owning some websites, in php, java and html coded. I want them to be viewed comfortably using iphones. ie, the site has to first check whether the site is hit from a pc or mobile (iphone). If its from a mobile, it has to be redirected to another server which loads the mobile view. Some sites i ve recently found of doing the same is orkut, facebook,etc. While logging in from a mobile, we are redirected to m.orkut.com from www.orkut.com, i ve to do something similar to that.





header("location: http://mobile.mysite.com");


<><> 代码> 值得注意的是,“i”有许多用户,因此,在进行准确比较时核对插图本身是实用的。 相反,寻找像“iPhone”和“Mobile”这样的扼杀物,以确定目前的访客是“iPhone”的。


检查用户代理人。 如果含有“MobileSafari”或“iPhone”,则含有“ iPhoneSafari”。 其他装置当然需要不同的检查。 谷歌可以用来寻找准确的用户,但可以警告它们改变每个单版。


header("Location: http://your-desired.site.com/");

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