For a custom action, I m setting to Name to XmlPreprocess.exe (a CodePlex utility)
and arguments to: /x:"[SETTINGSFILE]" /i:"[TARGETDIR]web.config" /e:[ENVIRONMENTBUTTON] [CUSTOMSETTINGS] >[TARGETDIR]XmlPreProcess.log
SETTINGSFILE is supposed to be coming from a custom form page I added, and ENVIRONMENTBUTTON is the value of one of my radio buttons.
Is there any way to get the redirect to work? It s not creating the .log file. Is there any other way to see the results of the custom action? How can I even confirm if it ran? What if I would like to see what parms were sent to it?
Update 3: - For more scenarios of what I have tried, see here:
Update: I just wrote a quickie VBScript to verify my parms.
dim fso, oFile
set fso = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set oFile = fso.CreateTextFile("VBScriptOut.txt")
if WScript.Arguments.Count < 2 then
oFile.Writeline("Number of arguments was only = " & WScript.Arguments.Count)
oFile.WriteLine("SETTINGSFILE=" & WScript.Arguments.Item(0))
oFile.WriteLine("ENVIRONMENTBUTTON=" & WScript.Arguments.Item(1))
end if
No VBScriptout.txt was created, so I don t think it even ran (so my guess is the XmlPreprocess isn t even running either).
I included the InstalLVerification.vbs file as a Custom Action under "Install". I set the condition= True in the properties window. I set CustomActionData to: "[SETTINGSFILE]" [ENVIRONMENTBUTTON]
Update 2: I realized now Condition should not be "True". I either blank it out or set it to "Not Installed".
I m getting an unexplained error on XmlPreprocess, and I cannot get the VBScript to run. I tried running it also with CScript64.exe.