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Ruby, why FeedNormalizer usage breaks Classifier::CRM114

Just learning Ruby and found something bizarre (at least for ansi-c programmer).

Having Mac OS X 10.6.2, ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [universal-darwin10.0], feed-normalizer 1.5.1 and crm114 1.0.3

require  rubygems 
require  crm114 
require  feed-normalizer 
#FeedNormalizer::FeedNormalizer.parse open("http://news.google.com/news?ned=us&topic=w&output=rss")

crm = Classifier::CRM114.new([:interesting, :boring])

crm.train! :interesting,  Some data set with a decent signal to noise ratio. 
crm.train! :boring,  Pig latin, as in lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. 

puts crm.classify  Lorem ipsum 

Running above file:

$ ruby crmdebug.rb 

Fine, this is just demoing.

Now uncommenting the line #FeedNormalizer...

And running the file without comment:

$ ruby crmdebug.rb 

?! What an earth is happening here? Why FeedNormalizer usage breaks crm114 (those aren t related)? How to debug this kind of situation? Is this typical that some another class breaks other classes? Did reboot also (hey this is Mac ;) )


I was not able to duplicate this problem. Here are the steps I took:

 sudo apt-get install crm114
 sudo gem install crm114
 sudo gem install feed-normalizer

All OK. Now running the sample code with feed-normalizer commented out.

$ ruby crmdebug.rb 

...and uncommented:

$ ruby crmdebug.rb 

Ubuntu 2.6.24-26, ruby 1.8.6. Sorry, that s all I got.

Feed-normalizer is currently a minor rev higher than your installed version. You show 1.5.1.

gem search feed-normalizer -r


feed-normalizer (1.5.2)

so it might be fixed in the update. Here s the update log.

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