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unable to map through array when nested inside object javascript

The closest link I ve read for the question I m trying to solve is this one.

Map through an array inside an object

I have an object with a prop called clients. The data type of clients is an array.

I get the error

Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {type, props, key, ref, __k, __, __b, __e, __d, __c, __h, constructor, __v, __source, __self}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.`

Intellisense tells my the type is an array of objects
Type from intellisense)

I m very confused about this one, I don t usually have this kind of trouble. I m using Preact and Compat, which may be causing some further complications.

  • Node: v18.13.0
  • NPM: 8.19.3
  • "preact": "^10.15.0"
  • "@preact/compat": "^17.1.2"

Here s the code...

export const clientData = {
  clients: [
      name:  comapany1 ,
      logo:  ./src/assets/images/company1.png ,
      name:  company2 ,
      logo:  ./images/company2.png ,
      name:  company3 ,
      logo:  ./images/company3.png ,
      name:  company4 ,
      logo:  ./images/company4.png ,
      name:  company5 ,
      logo:  ./images/company5.png ,

Whenever I try to map over this I get an error. I have tried the following:

clientData?.clients?.map(client => {
            return (
              <div class="mt-12 grid grid-cols-2 sm:grid-cols-5 md:grid-cols-5">
                <div class="p-4 grayscale transition duration-200 hover:grayscale-0">
                  <img src={client.logo} class="h-32 w-auto mx-auto" loading="lazy" alt="client logo" width="" height="" />
                  <p class= text-center pt-5  >{client.name}</p>

I ve also tried

const { clients } = clientData;       

          clients.map(client => {
// ...


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