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Regular Expression to find string in Expect buffer

I m trying to find a regex that works to match a string of escape characters (an Expect response, see this question) and a six digit number (with alpha-numeric first character).

Here s the whole string I need to identify:


Ultimately I need to extract the string:


Here s what I have already:

interact {
        #this expression does not identify the screen location
        #I need to find "
u001b[1;14H" AND "([a-zA-Z0-9]{1})[0-9]{5}$"
        #This regex was what I was using before.
        -nobuffer -re {^([a-zA-Z0-9]{1})?[0-9]{5}$} {
                set number $interact_out(0,string)

I need to identify the escape characters to to verify that it is a field in that screen region. So I need a regex that includes that first portion, but the backslashes are confusing me...

Also once I have the full string in the $number variable, how do I isolate just the number in another variable in Tcl?


I found out a few things with some more digging. First of all I wasn t looking at the output of the program but the input of the user. I needed to add the "-o" flag to look at the program output. I also shortened the regex to just the necessary part.

The regex example from @rikh led me to look at why his or my own regex was failing, and that was due to the fact that I wasn t looking at the output but the input. So the original regex that I tried wasn t at fault but the data being looked at (missing the "-o" flag)

Here s the complete answer to my problem.

interact {
    -o -nobuffer -re {([1;14H[a-zA-Z0-9]{1})[0-9]{5}} {
            #get number in place
            set numraw $interact_out(0,string)
            #get just number out
            set num [string range $numraw 6 11] 
            #switch to lowercase
            set num [string tolower $num]
            send_user "  stored number: $num"

I m a noob with Expect and Tcl so if any of this doesn t make sense or if you have any more insights into the interact flags, please set me straight.


If you just want the number at the end, then this should be enough...


Update with new information

Assuming is a newline character, rather than a literal followed by a literal n, you can do this...


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