line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4
最多可计算4行。 基本上迫切需要一劳永逸地把你转到下行。
The following Code isn t working:
var text = $("#myTextArea").val();
var lines = text.split("
var count = lines.length;
line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4
最多可计算4行。 基本上迫切需要一劳永逸地把你转到下行。
The following Code isn t working:
var text = $("#myTextArea").val();
var lines = text.split("
var count = lines.length;
String.prototype.lines = function() { return this.split(/
/); }
String.prototype.lineCount = function() { return this.lines().length; }
很显然,分离的方法不会在IE9的护法(或正文区内部财产)结束时算出运输回报和(或)新的线性,但会将其算作 Chrome22,产生不同的结果。
String.prototype.lineCount = function() { return this.lines().length - navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1); }
The problem with using " " or " " is it only counts the number of returns, if you have a line that is long it could wrap and then it wouldn t be counted as a new line. This is an alternative way to get the number of lines - so it may not be the best way.
Edit (thanks alex):
var lht = parseInt($( textarea ).css( lineHeight ),10);
var lines = $( textarea ).attr( scrollHeight ) / lht;
var text = $("#myTextArea").val();
var lines = text.split(/
var count = lines.length;
console.log(count); // Outputs 4
instead of
var text = $("#myTextArea").val();
var lines = text.split("
var count = lines.length;
let text = document.getElementById("myTextarea").value;
let lines = text.split(/
let count = lines.length;
What about splitting on " " instead?
为了准确做到这一点,你可以使用固定的高温线和测量假象。 这可能是个问题。
function countLine(element) {
var text = $(element).val();
var lines = text.split("
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length-1; i++) {
if (lines[i].trim()!="" && lines[i].trim()!=null) {
count += 1;
return count;
Counting the newlines is not a reliable way for finding the number of lines, since long text could simply break and still only count as a single line. What you want to do, is find out the scrollHeight of the textarea and divide it by the height of a single line.
This is answered in detail here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1761203/9863305
我先用了Mointtie的原始答案,但在JQuery AP中,一些功能发生了变化。 本文是目前APIC/L.01号文件的工作职能:
var lht = parseInt($( #textarea ).css( lineHeight ),10);
var lines = $( #textarea ).prop( scrollHeight ) / lht;
All tumb up for Mottie s response!
//determine what the fontsize will be
let fontsize = 12;
//get number of characters that can fit in a row
let charsperrow = textarea.clientWidth / fontsize;
//get any hard returns
let hardreturns = textarea.textContent.split(/
let rows = hardreturns.length;
//loop through returns and calculate soft returns
for(let i = 0,len = rows; i < len; i++){
let line = hardreturns[i];
let softreturns = Math.round(line.length / charsperrow);
//if softreturns is greater than 0, minus by 1 (hard return already counted)
softreturns = Math.round(softreturns > 0 ? (softreturns - 1) : 0);
rows += softreturns;
The normal newline character is " ". The convention on some systems is to also have " " beforehand, so on these systems " " is often found to mean a new line. In a browser, unless the user intentionally enters a " " by copying it from somewhere else, the newline will probably be expressed as just " ". In either case splitting by " " will count the number of lines.
function countLines(theArea){
var theLines = theArea.value.replace((new RegExp(".{"+theArea.cols+"}","g")),"
if(theLines[theLines.length-1]=="") theLines.length--;
theArea.form.lineCount.value = theLines.length;
<textarea name="myText" onKeyUp="countLines(this)" cols="10" rows="10">
<input type=text name="lineCount" size="2" value="0">
Your ans can be done in very simple way.
var text = $("#myTextArea").val();
// will remove the blank lines from the text-area
text = text.replace(/^s*[
]/gm, "");
//It will split when new lines enter
var lines = text.split(/
var count = lines.length; //now you can count thses lines.
This code for exact lines filled in the textarea. and will work for sure.
)的四分之四。 在一定程度上,你可以写任何东西,就像在文本中那样,但任何新行(除第1条外)都自动在
它没有大脑,即每次使用<条码>。 它有若干优势。 自动裁量,你可以轻松地计算空白线,你可以定制每一条线,或增加有色体或字体大小的距离,你可以使用任何<条码>-八条<>和任何<条码>。 这里是一个与 j合的榜样:
$("#Editor").on("keyup mouseup", function(){
blankSpace = $(this).find("br").length; //count blank lines
urlCounter = $(this).find("div").length + 1 - blankSpace;
$(".lineCounter").text("Number of links: "+ urlCounter);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="Editor" contenteditable="true" style="color:aqua;width: 100%;height: 100%;background: blue;"></div>
<div class="lineCounter" style="position: absolute;bottom: 0;z-index: 999;left: 0;"></div>
textArea.addEventListener( input , function() {
function setDynamicHeight() {
textArea.style.height = 0; // set the height to 0 in case of it has to be shrinked
textArea.style.height = textArea.scrollHeight + px ; // set the dynamic height
Each line break is defined by . The goal is to count them. For this, we will have to iterate on this with a loop on each character. See the example below
let count = 0
const a = document.querySelector( textarea )
for (let i = 0; i < a.value.length; i++) {
if (a.value[i] ==
) {
const textareaLineCount = () => {
let count = 0
const a = document.querySelector( textarea )
for (let i = 0; i < a.value.length; i++) {
if (a.value[i] ==
) {
return count
const displayTotalTextareaLine = (total) => {
document.querySelector( p ).innerText = total
document.querySelector( button ).addEventListener( click , () => {
const total = textareaLineCount()
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
<>0> 最后一个阶段可能不是一线中断,因此我建议你在总结果中增加1个。
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